Thursday, October 14, 2010

Whitney Thompson slams Karl Lagerfeld

And whilst we are on the subject of plus-size models, Whitney Thompson is in the news today.

Whitney who was Amercas Next Top Models first ever plus size winner has been sounding off about Karl Lagerfeld calling him a hypocrite for working with fuller figured models.

Whitney was quoted as saying "Karl Lagerfeld two years ago was saying the only people who care about plus size are the fat mummies sitting on their couches eating crisps. "Now he's shooting the plus issue for V, are you kidding? Really V, you forgot about that? I mean, it was a huge issue. And he has a Chanel line for plus girls and Crystal Renn's in it and it's so fake, it's so phony and people just jump on the bandwagon.”

Well it had to be said and I for one agree with Whitney.