Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Plus Size Beauty Queen Chenese Lewis

Chenese Lewis made history when she was the first woman to be crowned Miss Plus America in 2003 and as a plus size model she has modelled for many companies including Torrid and Kmart. She is also the celebrity face for Sizeappeal and an official ambassador for Binge Eating Disorder Association.

Chenese recently posed naked alongside former ANTM winner plus-sized model Whitney Thompson to promote Love Your Body Day 2010. The event is hosted by Hollywood Now of which Chenese is the president.

LYBD was first launched in 1998 and hopes to help women accept themselves and feel good about their bodies, regardless of the size.

Chenese attributes her success by not conforming to society’s ideals of beauty but rather showing by example, that you can be beautiful and confident regardless of your size, Chenese Lewis is the epitome of the plus size woman.