Friday, October 29, 2010

Size zero is DISGUSTING says Welsh fashion expert

Fashion Expert Tracy Pritchard who is the head of University of Glamorgan’s School of Fashion and Retail Design says;

"Women of all sizes deserve to have choice in fashion and brands size zero ‘disgusting’.I am an advocate of larger sizes, from people like Mark Jacobs, Chanel and Dolce and Gabbana".

"Julien Macdonald doesn’t go over a size 14. That’s outrageous because fashion should be inclusive. We should be celebrating different bodies".

I am so glad Tracy is speaking out for plus size women and thoroughly agree with all her comments.

I personally as a plus sized woman would prefer to see women my own size and body shape modelling the kind of clothes I would like to wear.

Size Zero vs Plus Size

Which would you prefer to see on the catwalk?
Which body shape is more beautiful?
Which one looks healthier?
Which dress size is more realistic in reflecting the majority women in todays society?