In January French model Isabelle Caro died aged just 28 years old after battling anorexia for almost 15 years. Now Plus size model and author Nancy Hayssen speaks out asking 'Who is to blame?".
She believes the root of the problem is the three Hollywood lies we’ve been told that destroy the way women feel about themselves:
1. No matter how much you weigh, you’re still too fat
2. No matter how skinny you are, you’ll never be skinny enough
3. No matter what you look like, you’ll never be good enough
Nancy says, “I feel sexy and confident of my voluptuous body. I believe ‘Sexy is a State of Mind.’”
“The fashion industry and Hollywood have spread the myth that to be “Thin Is In.”
Is the message Hollywood really sending to women that: “You need to starve yourself to look sexy and beautiful…starve yourself literally to death?”